La Bonne
It’s time
for you
to save time!

Is there really a dedicated solution for all transport companies to easily and accurately manage the payroll of their travelling and office-based staff? Yes, it’s La Bonne Prépaie!

Simplified payroll management
For an unlimited number of users and based on secure, centralised data, La Bonne Prépaie is a web-based tool that requires no installation and is very easy to use, meaning you save time.
Full capture of data from all commercial systems, including on-board computers, tachographs (old and new) and badge readers.
Data is collected and protected in a single tool to prepare the payroll. Export is secure and compatible with all payroll software.
This is a user-friendly tool that requires no training. Access by managers, operators, HR managers and accountants is tailored to their roles and responsibilities.
Simplify your management and reduce costs:
La Bonne Prépaie features
Automatic calculation of time
Automatic calculation of travel expenses
Bonus management
Management of absences and assimilated time
Activity report
A single, reliable and easy-to-install device to simplify employee management.

Tim Collect
The stand-alone device that collect the activity times of office-based and off-vehicle staff.

The little key that downloads tachograph and driver card data on demand.

The online portal
The online portal provides access to data and tools for optimal employee management.

Driver app
A real-time display of duty time and the alert system gives companies control of payroll preparation.

In brief: employee management is simplified, clearer and more secure
La Bonne Prépaie is a solution that simplifies payroll preparation for transport companies. It automatically collects data from various systems, secures information and includes features such as the calculation of duty time and travel expenses, and the management of absences. What’s more, the tool is compatible with existing payroll software.
Simplify your management and reduce costs: