
Concise and customised!

As many reports as you like, per driver or per period, in the format of your choice! Employee management, good driving practice, infringement letters, etc… all requests can be customised.

Les rapports Truckonline : tout est personnalisable.
Toutes les données pour la gestion sociale.

Down to the minute

Clear, precise and highly reliable summaries of all data relating to employee management: working hours, night time hours, on-road expenses… support documents for La Bonne Prépaie.

Good practice

Would you like to find out more about your drivers’ eco- driving efforts and reward them? Consumption, emissions: all the data can be compiled.

Compilation des données pour l'écoconduite de vos conducteurs.
Vérification des temps d'activités en cas de contrôle.

Reports for audits

If you want to check working hours or are subject to a legal data audit, archiving enables you to provide all the information for the specific period.

In brief

Obtain concise, customised reports to help you analyse your activity, according to your needs. Manage employee compliance, responsible driving, infringements, and much more. Clear, precise summaries provide reliable data on drivers’ activities, night time hours and on-road expenses, so that the payroll can be effectively prepared. Reward their eco-driving efforts based on the compiled data. Archiving facilitates the checking of activities and provides the necessary information for legal audits.

Simplify your management and reduce costs: